Enrollment for Great Hearts Texas
Thank you for your interest in Great Hearts Texas. Please use the buttons below to navigate to important information regarding our enrollment process. If you do not find the information you need, please reach out to our Enrollment Team enrollment@greatheartstxschools.org or 210.888.9475 Option #2.

Apply to a Great Hearts Academy
It only takes 3 minutes. Register yourself, then your child, and finally select the academies you’re interested in. It’s quick, simple, and easy to do.
Apply Now
Book a Campus Tour
Step into the wonder of our classrooms this enrollment season to learn more about why our families truust Great Hearts Texas Academies.
Book a Tour!
Enrollment Timeline
The enrollment timeline provides essential information both before and after submitting an enrollment application. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with these key dates throughout the year.
View the Timeline
Join Our Interest List
Learn more about Great Hearts Texas by joining our interest list. You'll be the first to know about major milestones and updates as Great Hearts Texas continues to grow across the state.
Join the Interest List
Transfer Requests
To request a transfer for your student within the Great Hearts network of academies in either Arizona or Texas please review the forms, policies and procedures provided.
Transfer Request Form
Policies and Procedures
As public tuition-free charter schools in Texas, Great Hearts is subject to open enrollment laws. Please familiarize yourself with the Enrollment Policies and Procedure that apply to all Great Hearts Texas academies.
Policies and Procedures
Frequently Asked Questions
Enrolling your student at Great Hearts prepares them for success beyond the K-12 classroom. As you learn more about Great Hearts and begin the application process, please refer to these frequently asked questions.
View FAQs
Contact the Enrollment Team
We appreciate your interest enrolling at Great Hearts and we seek to answer all questions regarding the enrollment process, policies and procedures. If your questions have not been addressed or if you would like to learn more about enrolling at Great Hearts, please contact our enrollment coordinator.
Contact Us