Scroll down to find your academy name to register.

What is ‘Athenaeum’? The word Athenaeum (ath-uh-nay-uhm) comes from the school in Rome, founded by Emperor Hadrian in 133 A.D. that was designed to promote literacy and scientific studies.

At Great Hearts, Athenaeum is our After-School Program.

The Athenaeum After-School Program is a comprehensive program that has the same culture and educational focus as your child’s academy. Each day, students are provided with dedicated homework time in addition to a variety of culturally enriching, hands-on activities in a safe and supportive after-school setting. Athenaeum scholars also enjoy time for recreation, games, socializing, and just plain fun! Athenaeum is open to Grades K-5 and is available daily from the dismissal bell (even on early release and half-days) until 6:00 PM. Flexible and affordable options are available to fit any family’s after-school needs.

Homework Club

Homework Club is a place for your student to work on homework, and socialize with friends in a structured, supervised environment. The program begins immediately after school and runs until 6:00 pm each school day, including early release days. Please note: Homework Club is not available at all Texas Academies, please check your campus for availability. 

Registration for the CURRENT 2024-25 school year programs is still available. Scroll down to find your academy name to register.

Registration for the UPCOMING 2025-26 school year is now available. Scroll down to find your academy name to register.

To register for the Athenaeum After-School Program or Homework Club or to contact the Campus Coordinator, please click on the link below for your campus.


Click Here to Register →
Contact: 214-470-2456

Forest Heights

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 210-347-4501


Click Here to Register →


Click Here to Register →
Contact: 214-422-8125


Click Here to Register →
Contact: 682-261-4429

Live Oak

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 210-347-5620

Monte Vista

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 210-347-7376

Northern Oaks

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 210-347-7423

Prairie View

Click Here to Register →

Western Hills

Click Here to Register →
Contact: 210-347-7469

 For general enrollment and billing information, please contact the Billing Specialist at or 210.488.6158.

Summer Programs

Looking for something fun and enriching to do over the summer? Great Hearts Summer Programs consist of Kinder Readiness for new incoming kindergarten students,  and Summer Camp for grades 1st-5th.

Summer 2025 registration is now available!

SUMMER Information